Repeat Prescriptions

Warning advice: SMS Text Messaging

Do we have your correct EMAIL ADDRESS & MOBILE NUMBER for us to send your appointment reminders, unless you prefer not to be contacted this way, please see RECEPTION staff.

You can now register to receive information by text message on your phone regarding appointments and health care.

If you wish to register for this messaging service please fill out the consent form available from reception

We have a new prescription service!

From the 1st of November Middleton Lodge will be using a new prescription service in cooperation with Patient Partner systems. This service will replace our current line for prescriptions and will allow patients to skip waiting times on the phone to order prescriptions. This service will run 08:00 to 18:00 Mon-Fri, patients will be directed to a phone line and will need their date of birth and telephone number to hand.

This will then allow patients to record a message for our prescription team, who will complete the requests within three working days. If you have an issue with a prescription and it is not urgent you can request a call back from this line also.

As always all urgent issues/cases will need to be directed to our main lines.

Frequently Asked Questions

A) Why has the service changed? We have changed our service to an automated one, following patient feedback reports that the waiting times to order medications over the phone are taking too long leaving patients unable to order despite having a full compliment of staff. The new system allows up to 300 callers at the same time removing the waiting time to speak to a member of staff and at the same time freeing up more staff members time on our appointment and queries line.

B) Why has the time limit changed for prescription turn overs? Middleton Lodge Surgery services over 13,000 patients and has a monthly average of 12257 calls made to the practice. This is a near 2300 increase since 2023 with the surgery being at full staffing capacity. With new developments in the local area this is likely to increase our patient contacts each day/month again. This increase is what has lead to the surgery increasing the time expectation for prescriptions. Patients are still expected to order their prescriptions in plenty of time with the surgery allowing orders up to two weeks in advance.

C) Can I order my prescription any other way? The surgery still allows written medication requests to be put in our prescription box during opening hours, blank request sheets can be acquired at our front desk. We encourage as many patients possible to order their medication online via the NHS app – see paragraph at the bottom of the page. Some local pharmacies also offer a prescription ordering service, details of which can be obtained through contacting them directly.

D) What if I have multiple medications or a non urgent issue? Due to the time frames of voice messages, if you have a lot of medication or an issue with your medications being ordered; you are able to leave your name and DOB and request a call back if the issue is not urgent. A member of our prescription team will then contact you within the allotted time frame. Any urgent issues would still need to go through our normal call lines.

Alternatively patients are also able to order their medication through our prescription box located in our waiting room, or may register for the online app as shown below.

These can be done online using the NHS App, over the telephone or in person.

For more information about the NHS App please visit Notts NHS App

If collecting from a pharmacy please allow four working days before collecting from the pharmacy of your choice.

We thank you for your patience with our new system, if you have a question regarding our services please contact our team via email –