Learning Disabilities

People with a learning disability can get extra support from us by being on the GP Learning Disability Register. We are able to offer:

  • Reasonable adjustments such as longer appointments, quieter waiting areas, appointments at certain times of the day, support to successfully access health interventions such as immunisations, screening, blood tests, etc
  • Information in accessible format
  • Annual Health Checks from the age of 14
  • Free annual flu vaccination

Annual Health Checks

Every year we will invite you for a health check that might include:

  • Physical check up e.g. height, weight, blood pressure, blood test, urine sample etc
  • Talk about any concerns you may have
  • Provide support with medication
  • Provide support with immunisations
  • Provide support with any other long-term conditions
  • Overall support with health and wellbeing

You can watch this short film about Annual Health Checks and why they are important here.

More information about Annual Health Checks can be found on the NHS England website here.

You can find the learning disability healthcheck pre-appointment questionnaire here.