Home Blood Pressure Monitoring

Home Blood Pressure Monitoring

Only complete this form if you are asked to by the practice or clinical pharmacy team

The NHS and your GP want you to keep your blood pressure just right.

Download a paper version of this form
  • This is how to check your blood pressure
  • Get something to write your readings down on
  • Do it after taking your medications
  • Sit calmly for five minutes
  • Put the cuff on your upper arm (always use the same arm) Relax. Rest your hand on something
  • The Systolic is the top, higher number and the Diastolic is the bottom, lower number
  • Press the button on the blood pressure machine to take a reading. Do not talk. This can cause a higher reading.Write this reading down
  • After one minute take a second blood pressure reading. Write it down
  • Do this morning and night for at least 7 days.
  • Submit your readings in the form below