Appointments – 0115 961 3968
Appointments to see the doctor can be made by calling at the surgery or telephoning the above number. You will initially be triaged on the telephone by a clinician and then offered an appointment with the most appropriate member of the practices’ clinical team.
Please phone in the morning to be triaged by a clinician and booked into an appointment where appropriate – we are still available in the afternoon but will only be able deal with urgent matters once all our appointments have been used.
Should you wish to cancel your appointment it would be appreciated if you could let us know as early as possible in order that your appointment may be filled by another patient.
Appointment Information
Face-to-face appointments are available to all patients where there is a clinical need. You will be asked to first discuss your conditions over the phone or online with a member of the healthcare team to assess what would be most appropriate for you and which practice member would best provide it.
You will then be offered either:
- a face-to-face appointment
- a telephone appointment
- or if appropriate we may recommend that you use another healthcare service better suited to your need.
Other healthcare services now available to help you include:
- Face to face appointments with First Contact Physiotherapist
- Paramedic home visit
- Face to face and telephone consultations with Practice Pharmacist
- Face to face appointments with Young Persons Mental Health worker
Non-urgent advice: Cancel an Appointment
If you made an appointment and then subsequently realise that you are unable to attend, please telephone the surgery and cancel the appointment beforehand. This enables patients who needs to see a doctor or nurse to use the appointments.
Out of Hours & Extended Access
Tel: 0115 961 9401 / 0115 961 3968
Outside normal working hours a doctor is always available but please remember this is only for problems which require urgent or immediate attention. Be prepared to give the patient’s details and a brief description of the problem.
The duty doctor or his deputy, who is usually another local doctor, will be contacted with your request.
In the case of urgent medical attention when the practice is closed you can call 111
Please do not ask to see a doctor out of hours unless you genuinely cannot wait until the surgery re-opens.
In case of a life-threatening emergency, please dial 999.
Home Visits – 0115 961 9401
If your illness is such that you are unable to travel or be brought to the surgery you may request a home visit. You may be asked to speak to the doctor to discuss the problem so be prepared to give a few details.
It would greatly help the doctors if all requests for home visits were received before 10.30 a.m.
Urgent Visits should be requested on the same telephone number. Remember it will greatly assist the doctor if you attend surgery whenever possible.
Text Reminder Service
We have a texting service which allows you to receive confirmation and reminders about your appointments.
To have this service you will need to register by completing a consent form.
Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers and email address.