Data Extraction & Research

NHS Digital (NHSD) extract GP data for Research purposes (known as the GPDPR) and in 2020 they reviewed the way in which this data is collected and the way in which patients can opt out of the extraction of their GP data was changed.

The following changes were introduced respecting the patient’s choice for using their data.  NHSD have introduced the following changes to the opt out process which will mean that patients will be able to change their opt-out status at any time::-

  • Patients do not need to register a Type 1 opt-out to ensure their GP data will not be uploaded.
  • NHS Digital will create the technical means to allow GP data that has previously been uploaded to the system via the GPDPR collection to be deleted when someone registers a Type 1 opt-out.
  • The plan to retire Type 1 opt-outs will be deferred for at least 12 months while we get the new arrangements up and running and will not be implemented without consultation with the RCGP, the BMA and the National Data Guardian.

This means that you can opt out at any time in the future and NHSD will delete data that they already have taken for research purposes.  Hopefully, this will be a simple centralised approach via the NHS app or NHS website to avoid paper form and administration work for your GP.

We will update you when we know more about the NHSD plans to change how you can control who has access to your data.

NHS Data Sharing Update – January 2023

The NHS application to use your data was reviewed by the Confidentiality Advisory Group (CAG). They are an independent group of lay people and professionals which provides expert advice on the use of confidential patient information without consent. CAG recommended that our application should be supported, and the Secretary of State for Health approved this. You can choose whether your confidential patient information is used.

For any questions on how we use your data locally or you require this information in a different language text or call Katie Swinburn on Mobile: 07385 360071 or email

If you’d like to opt out of your confidential patient information being used nationally, please contact the National NHS Digital opt-out programme on 0300 303 5678, (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, excluding bank holidays).

Click here to view our NHS Data Sharing Leaflet