

Repeat Prescriptions

Please use your NHS app to order your repeat prescription. You can also drop your repeat prescription slip into the practice.

Please allow at least 3 working days for us to process your request. We will then check you have had appropriate reviews and monitoring. You may find attached to your prescription a note asking you to attend for bloods or to see the nurse or doctor. You should make an appointment before your next repeat prescription is due.

For questions about your prescription call us on 0115 9657801 and press option 1. Or you can submit a question online here.

Hospital prescriptions should taken to the hospital pharmacy and not to surgery.

If you need more than your usual amount of medication, please state this on your repeat slip so your GP is aware. Please also give a reason why you need the extra amount.

Non-urgent advice: Please note

For patients who collect their prescriptions from a community pharmacy, please allow 48 hours for the Practice to process your prescription and an additional 48 to 72 hours for Boots to order and prepare your medication. During busy times this may need to be longer.