Healthy Family Teams are part of the Healthy Families Programme, an integrated service for children, young people and families which brings together care provided by health visitors, school nurses, the Family Nurse Partnership Programme (for first time teenage mums) and the National Childhood Measurement Programme. Children, young people and families will receive care from this service from before birth to their late teens when they need it, regardless of where they live in Nottinghamshire.
To contact your Healthy Family Team in Gedling:
Advice Line
Telephone: 0300 123 3387 Option 4
A ‘single point of access’ Advice Line for parents, carers and healthcare professionals who want to speak to the Healthy Family Team for advice or support, covering the 0-19 years age range. It operates Monday to Friday, from 9am to 4.30pm.
Text: 07520 619919
The Healthy Family Teams’ confidential texting service to provide parents and carers advice around feeding, child development, parenting advice and support, emotional health and wellbeing, behaviour difficulties and family health.
Chat Health
Text: 07507 329952
This is a confidential texting service for 11 to 19-year-olds in Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust. The ChatHealth text service is an easy way for young people to confidentially ask for help about a range of issues. They can also find out how to access other local services including emotional support or sexual health services.
Out of hours
If you need urgent advice about your child or young person’s health out of office hours please call NHS 111 or your GP practice.
If you have concerns for the wellbeing or safety of a child contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0300 500 8090.