The Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Service supports children in Nottingham city and county. They help children from birth to the end of school. Children meeting the service entry criteria will receive an assessment, diagnosis and support. These are delivered in different places, depending on what your child needs.
The Speech and Language Therapy Service will decide whether your child needs support from these therapists. For all these care options the service provides specialist support for children whose first language is not English.
The service is available to children and young people (0 -18 years) who meet service entry criteria. Anyone can refer to Speech Language Therapy, as long as they have the parents’ or carers’ consent. Call 0300 123 3387 to self-refer.
The first line of contact with Speech and Language Therapy is usually through the Community Speech and Language Therapy Teams, with access to further support as needed. The service also has Speech and Language Therapists who work across Nottinghamshire to support children with more specific and complex needs, including:
- Autistic spectrum disorders
- Cleft lip and palate
- Dysphagia
- Hearing impairment
- Learning difficulties
- Physical difficulties
- Pre-school complex needs
- Specific language impairment
- Stammering (dysfluency)