Research Opportunities for Patients

Posted by: Katherine - Posted on:

The NHS uses research to improve its services and healthcare. There are a number of ways you can get involved with research.

Research Opportunities for Patients

Find out about health and social care research studies taking place in the UK.

A guide for members of the public who would like to get involved, or have recently become involved in research.

A way for members of the public to find opportunities to enable them to get involved in designing research studies.

This means that research is carried out with or by members of the public rather than ‘to’, ‘about’, or ‘for’ them.

A useful resource with lots of links to local research opportunities for patients

A nationwide online and telephone service that allows people to register their interest in volunteering for dementia research studies. Anyone over 18 years can register. This helps researchers to find the right participants at the right time.

Research studies available for patients to join – 8.9.2023 (this list will be updated monthly as studies open and close)

Measuring Loneliness (INTERACT) study

Identifying the Prevalence of Social Isolation & Loneliness in the Community Setting Across England

This study will map loneliness to highlight the scale of the issue and help decision makers consider new ways to support individuals who are lonely, feeling socially isolated and who may be suffering in silence.

Patients over the age of 16 years can sign up

Multiple languages

10 minute on line survey

Measuring loneliness in UK (INTERACT) study | Faculty of Medicine | Imperial College London


Study that looks at the causes of long-term health conditions by collecting information about genes and lifestyle.

Patients can sign up via website EXCEED

18 +

Minority ethnic and migrant communities have had higher rates of COVID-19 hospital admissions. – THESE COMMUNITIES ESPECIALLY ENCOURAGED TO TAKE PART

Online questionnaire

With patient’s  consent : study team will access their health record

EITHER  a saliva sample collection kit sent out,  or use ‘left over’ samples from blood tests done previously – to study patient’s DNA. 

ENGLISH only at present (hoping to add more languages) 


The Genetic Links to Anxiety and Depression (GLAD) Study.

Patients can sign up via website Genetic Links to Anxiety and Depression Study – GLAD Study

In the UK, 1 in 3 people will experience symptoms during their lifetime. The GLAD Study aims to better understand depression and anxiety in order to find effective treatments and improve the lives of people experiencing these disorders.

To take part in the GLAD Study part of the NIHR BioResource, you must:

  • Have experienced clinical anxiety and/or depression during your life
  • Be aged 16 and above
  • Live in the UK

To begin signing up you just need to provide your name, phone number, email address and a password. You will be sent a notification email to check we have the best way of contacting you.

After this, the GLAD Study enrolment process consists of four steps:

  • Reading the Information Sheet
  • Providing consent
  • Completing our questionnaire
  • Providing a saliva sample

Help improve the accuracy in earlier diagnosis of lung cancer

Locomotion Study Task 2.3

Any questions or comments please contact your ICS Research Champions Dr Jane Coleman or Ed Longridge