Coronavirus Vaccination Information
Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines are safe and effective and have been proven to reduce hospitalisations and severe illness. They give you the best protection against COVID-19.
Seasonal COVID-19 vaccines
Eligible people can now book their autumn COVID-19 and flu vaccines. People eligible for both the Covid-19 and flu vaccine include those who:
*are aged 65 or over (including those who will be 65 by 31 March 2025)
*have certain health conditions
*are pregnant
*are a frontline health or social care worker
*live in a care home for older adults.
How to get a seasonal COVID-19 vaccine
You can book an appointment on the NHS App, phone 119 or via the NHS website
There may also be other ways you can access an appointment, for example:
*going to a walk-in vaccine site
*booking through a local pharmacy
*through your care home