Cancer and end of life care
One in three people will be affected by cancer at some stage in their life. There are many different types of cancer and this page doesn’t cover them all, but the general information will help you to access further information and support.
You may find these services helpful
Macmillan Cancer Support – The cancer line and how it can help
There are videos available Macmillan and the support they offer on the Macmillan Video Site
There is further information and educational videos on the Cancer Research UK Video Site
Macmillan Cancer Support website
Europe’s leading cancer information charity, with over 4,500 pages of up-to-date cancer information, practical advice and support for cancer patients, their families and carers.
NHS website – Cancer information
End of life care
We encourage patients to think about the care they would wish to receive at the end of their life.
We have a form available that patients can complete to make sure their wishes are recorded.