Diabetes Clinic Satisfaction Questionnaire

Diabetes Clinic Satisfaction Questionnaire

The following statements concern aspects of the care you receive for your diabetes at your general practice (GP) surgery. Please tick to say how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with each aspect. If a statement does not apply to you because you have had no experience of that aspect of the service, please indicate by circling the ‘n/a’ beside that statement.
1. The amount of time spent talking to the staff about your diabetes (including doctors, nurses and other staff)
2. Continuity of care, that is, whether or not you see your choice of doctor/nurse on each visit
3. Information given to you by the staff regarding your results (e.g. overall diabetes control)
4. Information given to you by the staff regarding treatments and their effects (including unwanted effects)
5. Arrangements for having blood samples taken for routine measures of diabetes control (e.g. HbA1C)
6. The treatment for your diabetes (including diet, foot care, monitoring and any medication)
7. How you are treated as a person by the staff.
8. Time spent waiting at the GP’s surgery for your diabetes appointment
9. Privacy
We also would like you to think about your recent experience of our service.
How likely are you to recommend your GP Practice to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment for their diabetes?