Patient Participation Group

All Patients of Roundwood Surgery are by definition members of Roundwood Patients’ Group.

The Group has been working successfully on your behalf for several years now.

Working alongside the Practice, we raise and consider issues to make improvements to the service you receive.

The work we have been involved with, alongside the Practice to improve patient services includes:

  • Considering all suggestions to maximise and stream-line the supply and availability of appointments for patients;
  • Improvements in telephone services including an additional line for cancelling unwanted appointments;
  • Improving car parking;
  • Carrying out Patient Surveys;
  • Helping out at ‘Flu Days’;
  • Suggesting and considering surgery improvements;
  • Running raffles to raise funds for equipment to help patients;

We have allowed Patients to have their say on how they would like the Surgery to improve. Thank you to all those patients who have made comments or raised issues.

We are associated with other practices and with the C.C.G. (Mansfield and Ashfield Clinical Commissioning Group) to discuss how N.H.S. funds are spent efficiently locally, placing great emphasis on your “Patient’s Voice“.

We are always looking for new members to join us at our meetings which are held around every 6 weeks and last for around 2 hours.

We also have a ‘Virtual Group’ if you feel you would like to be informed via email, but are don’t want to attend meetings. To add your name to the Group email me on:

You are very welcome and your views are very important to us.

Contact us

If you feel the PPG is something you would like to be involved with, or have an issue to raise then either contact us at the email address below, or speak to the Reception staff.

Sylvia Porter

Jayne Birch-Jones

Joint Chairs

Roundwood PPG