Are you a Carer?
A carer is anyone who care, unpaid, for a friend or family memeber who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.
You are a young Carer if you do this role and are under 18 years of age.
If you are looking after someone, we would like you to let us know so we can provide the support and the information you might need.
You can be added to our Practice Carers Register, speak to the Receptionist or Practice Manager to request a registration form.
Nottinghamshire Carers Hub
By contacting the Nottinghamshire Carers Hub, you can speak to an experienced support worker who will provide a personalised service that meets your individual needs. The service is available to carers of all ages.
- Phone: 0808 802 1777
- Text or WhatsApp: 07814 678 460
- Website:
- Email:
- Office hours are open Monday to Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm.
- Services include:
- Information, advice and guidance
- Signposting to other organisations
- Emotional support
- Access to support groups
Are You A Young Carer?
Nottinghamshire Young Carers Service offers support for carers aged 5 to 17.
Click here or here for information on joining group sessions, accessing short breaks, socialising with other young carers, taking part in fun activities and accessing advice and support to help in a care role.
Rushcliffe Primary Care Network’s Carers Directory
The Rushcliffe PCN’s Carers Directory has a range of information and support available to carers, including:
- The Nottinghamshire Carers Hub
- Carer support groups and meeting times
- Activities for those living with Dementia and their carers
- Dementia carer information
- Radford Care Group
- Alzheimer’s Society
- Carers Assessment
- Support for carers through Nottinghamshire County Council
- Respite and breaks available to carers
- Planned short breaks
- Home First Response Service (HFRS)
- Emergency Duty Service
- Shared Lives
- Carers Breaks
- Support at your GP Practice
- Form filling support
- Including Attendance Allowance Forms and Blue Badges
- Local advice centres in Rushcliffe
- Carers Allowance
- Finding the right care
- Including how to find the right care home
- How to have your say
Click here to visit the Rushcliffe PCN’s Health Directories. Here you can find specific sections on support for carers and Dementia. Each one is filled with tips, links to websites offering help, and information about services offering support on the issue.
Carer Champion
A Practice Carer Champion is a member of staff who coordinates the identification and support of carers at the practice.
They will act as a voice for carers within the practice and be a key point of contact for carer information.
Our Carer Champion is Sophie Singh