Infection Control Annual Statement
IPC Annual Statement Report
20th May 2024
This annual statement will be generated each year in accordance with the requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 Code of Practice on the prevention and control of infections and related guidance. The report will be published on the organisation’s website. It will summarise any infection transmission incidents and any action taken, details of any infection control audits undertaken and actions taken, details of any risk assessments undertaken for the prevention and control of infection, details of staff training, any review and updates of policies, procedures and guidelines.
Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) lead
The lead for infection prevention and control at Millview Surgery is Gail Hamilton, Lead Practice Nurse.
The IPC lead is supported by Kerry Walker, Practice Manager
Infection transmission incidents (significant events)
Significant events involve examples of good practice as well as challenging events.
Positive events are discussed at meetings to allow all staff to be appraised in areas of best practice.
Negative events are managed by the staff member who either identified or was advised of any potential shortcoming. This person will complete a Significant Event Analysis (SEA) form which commences an investigation process to establish what can be learnt and to indicate changes that might lead to future improvements.
All significant events are reviewed and discussed at staff meetings each month. Any learning points are cascaded to all relevant staff where an action plan, including audits or policy review, may follow.
In the past year, there have been 0 significant events raised which related to infection control. There have also been 0 complaints made regarding cleanliness or infection control.
Infection prevention audit and actions
Method: Infection Control audits are carried out on a 6 monthly basis, by use of a robust organisational checklist. A handwashing audit is completed by ALL staff yearly.
As a result of the 6 monthly audit a report of the findings are completed by the Infection Control Lead and any identified issues are discussed with the Practice Manager/GPs. Any agreed action of change is implemented.
Risk assessments
Risk assessments are carried out so that best practice can be established and followed. In the last year the following risk assessments were carried out/reviewed: –
New staff have joined the admin team – they have been updated on the Infection Control policy and completed Infection Control e-learning.
Privacy curtains are changed every 6months in line with Infection Control guidance.
Staff have either proved immunity or receive the MMR vaccine in line with Infection Control guidance due to a recent Measles outbreak.
Protective equipment is checked weekly to ensure that all clinical rooms have handwashing equipment, aprons and gloves.
All staff undertake e-learning on an annual basis and complete an annual handwashing update within surgery.
Policies and procedures
All Infection Control and Prevention policies are updated annually and are in date for this year. They are reviewed by the Infection Control Lead Nurse and the Practice Manager.
The policies are available to all staff.
It is the responsibility of all staff members at to be familiar with this statement and their roles and responsibilities under it.
The IPC lead Gail Hamilton, Lead Practice Nurse and Kerry Walker, Practice Manager, are responsible for reviewing and producing the annual statement.
This annual statement will be updated on or before May 2025.
For and on behalf of Millview Surgery