Patient information
If you have been diagnosed with coeliac disease then it’s important to talk to your doctor about what this means. Ask him or her to refer you to a Registered Dietitian for advice on what you can and can’t eat. Information to help you learn more about how best to manage your diet and health is also available on NHS Choices website and the Coeliac UK website and
This policy applies to all patients. However, special cases will be considered on an individual patient basis. Where a patient’s GP considers that a patient would receive additional benefit from NHS treatment when compared to other patients with the same clinical condition, they will be able to refer into a central CCG panel for the case to be considered.
Any queries about this policy should be directed to the CCGs Patient Engagement Team on 0800 028 3693; email or in writing to Patient Experience Team, NHS Newark and Sherwood Clinical Commissioning Group, Balderton Primary Care Centre, Lowfield Lane, Balderton, Nottinghamshire NG24 3HJ.
For Further information please see resources below: