In addition to general medical consultations we are pleased to be able to provide specialist clinics and services covering the following areas:
- Contraception advice and sexual health services – Chlamydia testing also available.
- Patient Health Checks (including high blood pressure, CHD).
- Asthma checks
- Diabetic checks
- Travel advice and immunisation
- Cervical smears
- Wound care
- Management of ulcers
- Dressings and treatment of minor injuries
- Removal of stitches
- Dietary advice
- Lifestyle advice
- Alcohol Advice
- Flu vaccinations
- Childhood immunisations
- Ear syringing
- Social Prescribing – to help you find support in the community to improve your health and wellbeing
- Medication reviews
All Services
Non-NHS Services
Some services provided are not covered under our contract with the NHS and therefore attract charges. Examples include the following: […]