We aim to offer you a wealth of information and hope to answer many of your questions on our maternity webpage.
To make a self referral, please visit www.barnsleyhospital.nhs.uk/maternity
Things to look out for:
- Your personalised care plan – Your pregnancy, your choice
- A virtual tour of our maternity services
- The range of antenatal classes available
- Access to the free health referral scheme
- Free smoke alarms and a free home safety check
- Thinking about having a baby at home? Find lots of information including our home birth drop in sessions
- Find your nearest Family Centre and what they offer.
- Find out about our mums group Barnsley Maternity Voices Partnership and visit their Facebook Page
- And much more!
Useful Numbers you may need:
- Community Midwives Central Office Mon – Fri (9 – 5pm) 01226 435369
- Antenatal Appointments Mon – Fri (9 – 5pm) 01226 433985
- Barnsley Birthing Centre (24 Hours) 01226 432249
- Early Pregnancy Assessment 01226 433972
And please don’t forget to book your 15 week appointment with your community midwife
- Community Midwife (Sarah Williams) 07775 800573