Patient Participation Group

The Practice had set up in 2003 (1st formally in Doncaster West PCT then) the Patient Reference Group, whose membership comprises patients from across all 3 sites with Askern Medical Practice. The group should be able to meet every 8-10 weeks and the aim is that by working together we can continue to develop and improve the services we are able to offer patients.

We have had a fantastic response to our request for people to join our PPG or VPRG across all 3 sites. We now have 29 members of various ages and outlooks who are all happy to contribute ideas and opinions.

That doesn’t mean that we don’t still want to hear from anyone else who would like to join, particularly our VPRG, so please let us know if you are interested.

If you are interested in this we would be glad to hear from you. Please email us at In the subject line place PRG membership.

If you prefer, you can download the sign up form as a pdf document, print it out, complete it and return it to the practice.

We will be in touch shortly after we receive your form. Please note that no medical information or questions will be responded to.

Many thanks for your assistance

Not got the time to attend the Meetings?
Why not join our virtual PRG!

What is a vPRG?
We would like to recruit 200 of our patients whom we will send a few brief surveys to complete online over the next year. This group will need to represent the diversity of our practice population.

What is the aim?
We will use your results from the surveys to help understand and plan the priority areas for the practice to develop in the future. These priority areas can then be explored and we would ask a wider audience for their opinions on the areas YOU see as important.

Will it take long?
No – we will use email to communicate and produce online surveys for you to complete. We do not intend to meet face-to-face as we feel a virtual group will allow a wider range of our patients to participate.