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A bit about us!
Alconbury Surgery allegedly dates back to the nineteenth century when it was located at Alconbury Hill. In the 1960’s GP Services were delivered from the building that is now Oakleigh Residential Home and we moved to the current premises which is a converted bungalow in the late 70’s. The original GP Surgery at Brampton was opened as a Branch Surgery by Professor Berrington in a small bungalow on West End which then moved to the current premises in the 80’s. Over time Drs Sackin, Churms and Lasman joined the Practice and the existing Brampton Surgery was extended in 1999. Our current Partnership consists of Doctors Rea, Outram, Bhimpuria, Patel and Thompson who have worked with their predecessors to extend the premises at Alconbury multiple times to become the Surgery that patients are familiar with today. As a Practice we have been conscious of the need to protect the caring culture within our team so carefully established by the founding partners and we pride ourselves in the delivery of a high standard of patient centred care.
For a long period of time the Practice list size was a stable 9250 patients but due to local housing developments this has grown by 45% since 2018. At present Brampton Surgery looks after 55% of our patients with Alconbury having 45% and we allocate our clinicians to deliver services to patients accordingly. We have a growing team to support the Partners in the care of our patients which consists of a further 7 GPs, 7 Nurses, 4 Healthcare Assistants, 2 Phlebotomists and 6 Dispensers. We also have a non-clinical team of 5 Medical Secretaries, 11 Receptionists and 4 Administrators led by our Management Team of 3. We are also a Training Practice with 6 GP Trainers and we host both GP Trainees from Huntingdon VTS and Cambridge medical students.
More recently we are working with our Primary Care Network to extend our services and incorporate additional roles that can help us meet patient needs. This means we are able to offer the services of a Physiotherapist, Paramedic, Occupational Therapist, Social Prescriber, Pharmacist and Pharmacy Technician to our patients when appropriate.
Our patient group ALBRAM has been in existence since 1984 and has worked arduously over the years to support us as a Practice in delivering healthcare services at the convenience of our patients. They also run a successful car scheme which has supported numerous patients in accessing services both at the Surgery and in the wider community.
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Family Health
From Family Planning to Seniors Health advice
GP Training
Our Accredited Surgeries
Our Research Active Surgery