From 1996 it has been a requirement that all doctors newly entering, and some doctors returning to General Practice, be vocationally trained. Patients, the practice team, GP Registrars and House Officers all benefit from this process.
The practice has been accredited for some time to train doctors and university medical students interested in General Practice.
GP Registrars are fully qualified doctors attached to practices from Vocational Training Schemes for placements of 4 or 12 months at a time.
We also have medical students visiting us for regular placements from the University of Cambridge.
As a patient you may be offered an appointment with a GP Registrar or medical students who will have a senior doctor supervising them. As part of their placement GP registrars may sometimes want to video consultations for their own education, with patient consent.
Our reception team will ensure that you are aware of any such arrangements, please let them know if you would prefer an alternative appointment as soon as possible, preferably when making the initial booking.