Will you get your flu jab this year?
Never has the annual flu jab seemed so important and last year some 5,500 of our patients thought so too.
From September to end December 2020, the surgery gave 5,436 influenza vaccinations to those in at risk groups and to those aged between 50-64, who were invited for their free jab for the first time. It was great to see so many people wanting to get the best protection from the virus as possible.
The surgery is now planning for this coming winter’s flu season. If you were eligible for a flu jab last year, but DID NOT have one, you may receive a text message from the surgery in the next few days asking if you plan to have the vaccination this year. Please reply to the message, as the responses will help us comprehensively plan our clinics for the coming flu season.
Find out more about the importance of having your flu vaccination.