St Mary’s Surgery and COVID restrictions
The Prime Minister has announced that restrictions in England will lift next Monday, on 19 July.
While we welcome the news that the country is taking further steps towards normality, all of us at St Mary’s Surgery are very much aware the COVID-19 pandemic is NOT over. Infection rates and COVID hospital admission rates are rising sharply across the nation – as more people mix.
Throughout the pandemic, the surgery has worked hard to care for and support all our patients and we will continue to work hard to keep our staff and patients safe.
To this end we ask that anyone visiting the surgery building be especially mindful of others around them. There may be people far more vulnerable and susceptible to infection than you are when you visit.
On entering the building you are still asked:
- to wear a face mask or covering (unless exempt)
- to sanitise your hands
- and to keep socially distant, where possible.
If you have a new persistent cough, high temperature or any other symptom of COVID-19, you should NOT come to the surgery. You should stay at home and book a COVID test. You can book online or phone 119 to be booked at a local test centre. You should then follow the government’s guidance on isolation for yourself and/or family members.
Changes from Monday 19 July
From next Monday we will no longer be screening patients at the door and both doors to the surgery will be open.
However, we expect anyone entering the building to be respectful and mindful of other people.
You should ONLY come into the surgery if it is clinically necessary:
- You have a confirmed appointment
- You are collecting medication from our dispensary or Advanced Pharmacy and you have been informed that it is ready for collection
- You are picking up paperwork or are collecting or dropping off a sample bottle.
If you wish to make an appointment or have any other enquiry, please contact the surgery by phone, or use AskmyGP. Our staff will be happy to help you.
Tel: 01353 663434 Select option 1 from the menu for reception.
Requests for consultations with doctors or nurse appointments will continue to be triaged and patients will be invited for face-to-face appointments where necessary.
If you have been asked to collect paperwork, please come to the reception and a member of our Patient Services Team will assist you.
If you wish to order repeat medication and are unable to do it online, please post your prescriptions in the red post box in the atrium or the letterbox on the front door. Or, if you have a medication query, please complete form in the atrium and pop it in the red post box.
If you have been asked to collect a sample bottle by your doctor or nurse, please pick it up from the collection point in the atrium.
When you drop off the sample, please ensure it is labelled and securely bagged, and place in the grey bin in front of reception.
Please note that both the surgery and Advanced Pharmacy will be closed between 1 and 2pm. This include the telephone lines.
These changes will be regularly reviewed by the surgery partners in line with further government announcements or new guidance from Public Health England.