Changes to number of days before booking your COVID booster
The government has announced that from today – Monday 8 November – people living in England will be able to book the coronavirus booster a month in advance.
This means that those people who are eligible – those aged over 50 or who are most at risk – will be able to book a vaccination appointment after 5 months.
They will still ONLY be given their COVID boosters at the 6 month date at the earliest.

Patients who have received invitations to book for 30 days’ time are being invited by the National Bookings Service and they will be pointed to one of the mass vaccinations sites or larger NBS hubs. For our area, this includes places like Newmarket Racecourse and the Grafton Centre in Cambridge, among others.
If you choose to book at one of these sites, please make sure that you DO NOT arrange your appointment date until after the 182 days, as you WILL BE turned away.
Please note: the mass vaccination sites are giving COVID boosters; they are not offering flu jabs.
Patients wishing to have their booster jabs given locally – in Ely or Soham – should continue to wait to be called. We are working hard to contact everyone in clinical priority order as fast as we can.
The surgery will contact you when you are eligible and book you for an appointment. You will be invited for both your COVID booster and your flu jab.
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