2022 flu vaccinations for children
Every year the NHS makes provision for children in England to receive a free flu vaccination.
These vaccinations are usually given via a nasal spray and are an effective and safe way of helping to protect your child against any flu virus that is circulating. The vaccine also reduces the chance of your child spreading the flu virus helping to protect family and friends who might be more vulnerable to serious complications from influenza.
St Mary’s Surgery is now putting together the final touches for the children’s flu clinics. They will be held on Wednesday afternoons over the next couple of months.
If you are a parent of a 2-3 year old (as at 31 August 2022) registered with us, you will shortly receive a text from the surgery inviting you to book your child in for their free vaccine.
We are also inviting to the same clinic children from 6 months to 17 years who are in at-risk groups.
We encourage all those with underlying health conditions to have the flu vaccine as you are at a higher risk from serious complications from flu.
Please note these are flu vaccine clinics ONLY. They are not COVID booster clinics for children.
Simply click on the link you are sent in the text and follow the instructions to book your child/ren into our special children’s clinics.
Parents and guardians are asked to download, complete and bring the consent form to the appointment.
On arrival, you will be asked to add your child’s date of birth to access the check-in screen.
If you have any queries or concerns about your children and their flu vaccinations, please do contact us.
More about NHS child flu clinics.