2023 September Flu Vaccination Programme
We are delighted to confirm that this year we will be delivering flu vaccines to our patients from our redeveloped premises at 37 St Mary’s Street.
Who is eligible?
All patients aged 65 years and over.
All patients aged 6 months to under 65 years in clinical risk groups – Chronic respiratory disease, Chronic heart and vascular disease, Chronic kidney disease, Chronic liver disease, Chronic neurological disease, Diabetes and adrenal insufficiency, Immunosuppression (due to disease or treatment), Asplenia or dysfunction of the spleen, Pregnant women and Morbid obesity (BMI ≥ 40).
All children who will be aged 2 or 3 years on 1st September 2023 and any child aged 6 months to 18 years in the at risk groups. The school immunisation programme will vaccinate all other eligible children.
How will I be Contacted?
We will contact all eligible patients who have consented to receive messages from us by text. The text message will contain a link to enable the direct booking of an appointment in a clinic of your choosing.
If you have not consented to receive text messages from us or cannot use the link provided, please go to our Ask My GP homepage and use the dedicated “Flu Vaccine” request tab to contact our Patient Services Team.
Alternatively you can call the surgery on 01353 663434 and choose Option 1.
When will the Clinics Begin?
Subject to receiving our supply of vaccine as planned, the first adult clinic will be held on Saturday 23rd September at 08:00.
The children’s vaccines comes from a central NHS supply and the delivery date is not known yet. Once we have vaccine available we will arrange specific children and young person’s clinics.
Will Covid Booster Vaccines also be Administered as in Previous Years?
We have not yet been advised by the Department of Health and Social Care whether Covid booster vaccines will be administered this autumn. Once we receive this information, we will update patients of our plans via our website and Facebook page.
Will Healthy Patients Aged 50-64 be Offered a Flu Vaccine?
As per the current advice received from the Department of Health and Social Care, we do not expect to offer this group of patients a vaccine. If this information changes, we will update patients via our website and Facebook page.
Will the Practice be Administering flu Vaccines to Housebound Patients this Year?
We are currently awaiting guidance around this and will provide an update on this as soon as we are able to.