Health and wellbeing coaching

What is health and wellbeing coaching?

Health and wellbeing coaches work with people with physical and/or mental health conditions, people with long term conditions and those at risk of developing them. They use coaching skills to help people develop practical ways to improve their health and wellbeing.

Coaching is mostly one-to-one, but some group work is also available.

Here is a short video which explains more about health and wellbeing coaching:

Understanding what health and wellbeing coaching might mean for you

What might you talk about with a health and wellbeing coach?

The choice is yours – whatever is important to you that can improve your health and wellbeing. The sorts of things people often talk about include:

  • lifestyle changes you would like to make – eg losing weight, getting more active, improving sleep
  • managing a health condition such as diabetes, high blood pressure
  • a specific health problem that is affecting your sense of wellbeing
  • how you are balancing competing demands of life, managing stress and developing positive coping strategies.

How to arrange to see a health and wellbeing coach

Referral to health and wellbeing coaching is usually made through the surgery GPs and nurses. You are also encouraged to use askmyGP or telephone the surgery on 01353 663434 (choose option 1) if you feel this service would be of benefit to you.

Tatenda Maereka are the accredited health and wellbeing coaches based here at St Mary’s. They can be contacted through the surgery or the above referrals processes.

Coaching session format:

  • We will have up to 45 minutes to talk.
  • Together, we will agree how many sessions we have and when they are held. It is usually between 6-8 sessions.
  • We coach on the telephone or virtually, via a video platform or, when circumstances allow, in person.

Updated: 26.09.22