St Mary’s Surgery provides a full family planning service in a dedicated clinic and our GPs and nurses are able to offer contraceptive advice and care. Contact the surgery to find out more or to make an appointment.
We also offer pill checks and chlamydia screening. If you are aged 16-24 and would like a chlamydia home testing kit, please ask at reception.
More information about sexual health, including contraception and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
If you prefer to seek advice and support outside of the surgery, iCaSH is a FREE confidential sexual health service, with clinics in Cambridgeshire.
Their expert staff can advise on all areas of sexual and reproductive health, including contraception, testing for STIs, HIV testing and support, and other aspects of sexual health and relationships.
Contact them on 0300 300 3030 or visit their website.
Updated: 5.7.22