St Mary’s Surgery is unable to give medical advice to patients who are out of the UK, for example on holiday, on business trips, etc., for strict medico-legal reasons.
If you are taken ill on holiday, please seek medical advice and attention locally to where you are. A pharmacy will be able to help with minor issues, such as sunburn, rashes, insect bites, dehydration and so on.
If you are on a package holiday, your rep will be able to source help and medical support.
If you are travelling to or within the EU, please ensure you carry your GHIC card. This card gives you the right to access medically necessary treatment at a reduced cost.
Please note: The GHIC card does not replace travel insurance.
On holiday in the UK
If you are on holiday in the UK and need medical help while you are away from home, first try a local pharmacy. Pharmacists are qualified healthcare professionals who can help with minor issues such as aches, pains, bites and stings and tummy trouble.
If your illness is something more serious, call NHS 111. They can direct you to the right service locally, including A&E or a minor injuries unit.
However, if you are in the UK and do need access to your GP, you can still contact St Mary’s Surgery. Use AskmyGP or telephone reception during normal working hours.
Updated: 09.08.22