Your Medical Records
How do I get to look at my medical records?
If you would like to look at your medical notes for any reason, please contact the reception staff. Your request will be discussed with the doctors. We will make an appointment for you to look at your notes with the reception manager.
How do I get a photocopy of my medical records?
If you would like a copy of anything from your notes, please contact the reception staff. your request will be discussed with the doctors who must agree to your request.
There will be a charge for this service. Our charges are £50 for the full record (computerised record and electronic record) or £10 for the computerised record only. Please give us advance notice for any request for copies. Our charges are doubled for a request that is needed within 7 days.
What happens if an insurance company request information from my notes?
We can only provide information with your written consent. You also have the right to see the report before it is sent to the insurance company. If you have requested to see a report, we will contact you when the report is completed.
You must come to the medical centre to see it within 21 days from the date that we contacted you. If you have not been to the medical centre within this time or have not arranged an appointment, the report will be sent.
Read/Download our Access to Medical Records Leaflet
Email address for SAR requests-