

For physiotherapy, IAPT psychological therapies, Midwife referral for pregnancy, Aspire (drug &alcohol services)


You  can  refer yourselves to physiotherapy services.

Please use the link to do the self- referral


You can refer yourself to this service without a referral from your GP.

Telephone: 0300 555 0888




Congratulations on confirmation of your pregnancy.

Please book an appointment for your antenatal check on the weblink below.

Please be advised that you need to be on Pregnacare plus during your pregnancy. If you take medication for blood pressure, epilepsy or diabetes please contact us.


It is great that you would like to reduce your alcohol consumption. I will send you supportive messages over the week to encourage you in your efforts. Please follow the link below for more help

We have available F2F clinics to support you with Alcohol reduction.

Breast Screening

Please contact the screening services to arrange a call/recall programme.

NDPP- Diabetes Prevention Programme

NDPP offered in various languages. Register today for this programme by calling 0800 092 1191 with your NHS number and HbA1c result.

For referral to NDPP you need to provide your NHS number. You can find your NHS number on referral letter, prescription, NHS app or website:

For help to stop smoking, alcohol services, weight management, Health Coachs in English and Eastern European languages

Weight Management

Healthy You offer a 12 week programme with 45 minutes Nutrition Workshops and 45 minutes physical activity sessions. There are lots of options to understand food choices and to help you find tasty, small changes to help you lose weight for good.

Healthy You also offer a Tier 2 Weight Management Programme and Tier 3 Specialist Management Programme, You can find more information for all Healthy You weight management programmes below:

NHS Digital Weight Management Programme

The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme supports adults living with obesity who also have a diagnosis of diabetes, hypertension or both, to manage their weight and improve their health.

It is a 12-week online behavioural and lifestyle programme that people can access via a smartphone or computer with internet access


BMI 30+ (or 27.5 BAME), with diabetes mellitus or hypertension 


  • moderate or severe frailty 
  • pregnant 
  • Has an active eating disorder 
  • People for whom a weight management programme is considered to pose greater risk of harm than benefit 
  • Has had bariatric surgery in the last two years. 
  • Under 18

NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme

The Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme, also known as the Healthier You programme, identifies people at risk of developing type 2 diabetes and refers them onto a nine-month, evidence-based lifestyle change programme. 

Eastern European Health Trainer Service

We are offering Face to Face health clinics for adults to provide advice and support on lifestyle factors such as healthy eating, weight management, exercise and alcohol management to improve your health and wellbeing. The clinics are held by Healthy You Advisors.

Stop Smoking

We are offering Face to Face health clinics for adults to provide advice and support to stop smoking.  The clinics are held by Healthy You Advisors at Thistlemoor Medical Centre.

Alcohol Reduction Service

There are many reasons why people drink; relaxation, stress, habit, fun, pain management, peer pressure, loneliness, to forget the list goes on. If you feel your drinking is becoming a problem, or you’d simply like to reduce your alcohol intake, or go alcohol free for a while, we are here to help.

National Diabetes Prevention Program -NDPP (Pre-diabetes) Diabetes Structured Programme (Diabetes) If you have been diagnosed with Diabetes or pre- diabetes , we can offer for you referral to help you to manage your condition.

Weight Management

Healthy You offer a 12 week programme with 45 minutes Nutrition Workshops and 45 minutes physical activity sessions. There are lots of options to understand food choices and to help you find tasty, small changes to help you lose weight for good.

Healthy You also offer a Tier 2 Weight Management Programme and Tier 3 Specialist Management Programme, You can find more information for all Healthy You weight management programmes below:

NHS Digital Weight Management Programme

The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme supports adults living with obesity who also have a diagnosis of diabetes, hypertension or both, to manage their weight and improve their health.

It is a 12-week online behavioural and lifestyle programme that people can access via a smartphone or computer with internet access


BMI 30+ (or 27.5 BAME), with diabetes mellitus or hypertension 


  • moderate or severe frailty 
  • pregnant 
  • Has an active eating disorder 
  • People for whom a weight management programme is considered to pose greater risk of harm than benefit 
  • Has had bariatric surgery in the last two years. 
  • Under 18

NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme

The Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme, also known as the Healthier You programme, identifies people at risk of developing type 2 diabetes and refers them onto a nine-month, evidence-based lifestyle change programme. 


Desmond is a Diabetes Education and Self-Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed. 

Self-Referral to DESMOND:

People with diabetes can self-refer to the service by telephoning 0300 131 0300 option 1, option 4

DAFNE- Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating

The DAFNE course is for adults (over 17 years old) with type 1 diabetes and is a comprehensive and often life-changing experience. It is far more than a carbohydrate counting programme, although learning and refining the skills necessary to count the carbohydrate in each meal and to inject the right dose of insulin are an important part of the course.