Please select the hospital you have been referred to, or are under the care of, from the list below. You can also find your hospital or treatment centre using the A-Z Search.
Please don’t call the surgery if we have already referred you and you’re waiting for an appointment or a date for your operation as we don’t have specific details about this.
Only call the practice about your referral if your condition has genuinely deteriorated. You can then be reviewed by one of the clinical team and appropriate action can be taken in regard to your care.
Addenbrookes Hospital
01223 216756
Hinchingbrooke, Peterborough & Stamford Hospitals
Peterborough & Stamford – 01733 673405 Hinchingbrooke Hospital – 01480 428964
Royal Papworth Hospital
01223 638896 or 01223 638963
Foundation Trust
0800 376 0775 (Freephone) or 01223 219444