Information About Registering
You can register as a patient online via the NHS App, NHS website, via our website or by completing a form and health questionnaire available from the Surgery.
If you are on repeat medication it is important for you to supply a copy of your repeat slip / photo of your medication boxes when you register and making sure you have sufficient medication from your last GP Surgery as we will need 5 working days notice excluding weekends and bank holidays for your repeat prescription to be ready for collection from the Pharmacy of your choice.
Parents registering their children must provide evidence of the child’s immunisations.
All our patients will be allocated a named GP but you can make an appointment to see any of our Doctors or you can choose to change your named GP at any time.
We meet the requirements of the Accessible Information Standard and are able to offer patients enhanced support should they require it due to a sensory or physical disability, or language need. You can tell us about your specific needs so that you are more easily able to access information in line with your needs via our online form via our website or by contacting on of our Patient Service Coordinators working in Reception.
Staff are appropriately screened, trained and updated in safeguarding issues to protect children and adults at risk who are registered at our Practice.
Our computer system helps us to provide high-quality services and we can reassure you that information held in your medical record is available only to authorised staff and confidentiality is respected at all times and in all situations. Your information will only be shared with organisations directly involved in your care if you have been referred for specialist opinion or treatment. We are registered under the Data Protection Act and comply fully with its requirements. All staff undergo training in information governance & confidentiality.
We operate an electronic prescription service to save you having to collect your prescription from the Surgery. You can simply nominate a pharmacy and when you order your repeat medication, we will send this electronically to them for you to collect.
It is important that patients are aware that we operate a Zero Tolerance to Abuse Policy and will not to tolerate any inappropriate or offensive behaviour towards any of our staff or other patients. In such cases, any patient acting inappropriately may be de-registered.
How to Register
We are using a new online service called Register with a GP surgery that makes it easy to register with Acorn Surgery.
Just fill in this quick online form to start the process. You do not need proof of address or immigration status, ID or an NHS number.
The service is designed and run by the NHS, so your personal information is safe. It cuts our administrative workload and makes it easier for you to register.
Paper forms are still available if you need one.
Online Services

New and existing patients are encouraged to register for online services allowing you to manage appointments, repeat prescriptions and more.
If you would like to register for Online Services please complete this form.