Norfolk Community Directory
Norfolk Community Directory contains activities, services and groups to help all Norfolk residents live healthy, active and fulfilling lives.
Patient Transport Services
Patients and carers in Norfolk can book journeys with ERS for non-urgent, planned, transportation of patients with a medical need for transport to and from a premises providing NHS healthcare and between NHS healthcare providers.
Telephone: 0333 240 4100
Norfolk Wildlife Trust
Throughout the year they arrange guided walks around the coast and countryside and in the winter they invite knowledgeable speakers to give illustrated talks at the Methodist Hall, Hunstanton on a variety of wildlife topics.
These walks and talks are open to all members of NWT and to non-members for a small fee.
Telephone: 01485 534747
Norfolk Swift Response
Norfolk Swift Response is a free 24 hour service you can call if you have an urgent, unplanned need at home but don’t need the emergency services. If, for example, your partner or carer is suddenly admitted to hospital, the Swift Response team can assist you with getting up, washing and dressing.
Telephone: 0344 800 8020 and select option 1
Transport Plus
Transport Plus is a community car scheme that covers most of Norfolk. Their community transport service helps eligible adults get to essential health, social and wellbeing services. A driver will pick you up at your house, or the nearest safe place, and provide a door-to-door service.
Telephone: 0344 800 8020
Alive West Norfolk
Alive West Norfolk are a wholly owned, not for profit Local Authority Controlled Company, operated by the Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk.
They are committed to delivering a high standard of service to their customers at Alive West Norfolk Venues.
Telephone: 01553 818001