Most of the services offered by the Practice are free under the NHS. Some services are not covered under the NHS and for these your GP, like other professionals, can charge a fee.
The fee will reflect both the doctor’s time to carry out the service and the doctor’s professional opinion. It may also include the cost of nursing, secretarial support, stationery and consumables.
Some examples of the type of NON NHS work we do are as followed.
Fitness to Travel |
Holiday Cancellation Forms |
Private incapacity note/sick note/private certificate |
To Whom It May Concern Letter |
Shot Gun Licence |
Housing (Local Authority) |
Provident Association claim form (BUPA/SPIRE/PPP) |
Sickness/accident insurance benefit claim form (simple) |
LGV/HGV Medical |
Taxi Driver Medical |
Power of Attorney |
Ofsted Report |
Contact us for more information or to request Non NHS Work.