Each home visit takes between four and five appointments out of the doctor’s day. The best environment for a consultation to take place is in the Surgery where there is access to appropriate equipment, blood tests, ECG machines etc. A home visit is a special service for the truly housebound and seriously ill. We expect all children to be brought to the Surgery.
All requests for home visits should be made before 11am by calling Mattishall Reception on 01362 850227 so that the visiting doctors can plan their day and make the best use of the limited time available between morning and afternoon clinics. We are unable to guarantee a specific Doctor will visit as this depends upon availability and other factors. The decision to make a home visit will be at the Doctor’s discretion.
We are unable to undertake visits on the basis of lack of patient transport. Volunteer transport can be obtained through the Community Car Schemes.
In an extreme emergency it is appropriate to dial 999 and request an ambulance.
You can also be visited at home by a community nurse if you are referred by your GP or by a health visitor if you have recently had a baby or if you are newly registered with the practice and have a child under five years.