Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) monitor, inspect and regulate services to make sure they meet fundamental standards of quality and safety and publish what they find, including performance ratings to help people choose care.

They ask 5 key questions of all the care services they inspect:

Are they safe?

Safe: you are protected from abuse and avoidable harm.

Are they effective?

Effective: your care, treatment and support achieves good outcomes, helps you to maintain quality of life and is based on the best available evidence.

Are they caring?

Caring: staff involve and treat you with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect.

Are they responsive to people’s needs?

Responsive: services are organised so that they meet your needs.

Are they well-led?

Well-led: the leadership, management and governance of the organisation make sure it’s providing high-quality care that’s based around your individual needs, that it encourages learning and innovation, and that it promotes an open and fair culture.  

Mattishall and Lenwade Surgeries were inspected on Wednesday 23rd and 31st January and awarded an overall good rating for the services we provide.