Urgent Appointments
You can request an urgent appointment for today or tomorrow (Monday to Friday) by:
We will respond within 48 hours when we are open. We are open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.30pm.
If the matter is medically urgent and you do not have an appointment we will always arrange for you to be seen.
- Phone 01379 676227
Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.30pm
- Visiting the surgery and speak with a receptionist
We are open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.30pm. When you get in touch, we’ll ask what you need help with. We will use the information you give us to choose the most suitable doctor, nurse or health professional to help you.
Routine Appointments
To request a routine appointment in the next 7 days:
- Completing an online form
We will respond within 2 days when we are open. We are open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.30pm - Phone 01379 676227
Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.30pm - Visiting the surgery and speak with a receptionist
We are open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.30pm - Using the NHS App to book a screening test or vaccination
When you get in touch, we’ll ask what you need help with.
We will use the information you give us to choose the most suitable doctor, nurse or health professional to help you.
Your Appointment
wever you choose to contact us we may offer you a consultation:
- By phone
- Face-to-face at the surgery
- On a video call
- By text or email
Appointments by phone, video call or by text or email can be more flexible and often means the doctor or nurse can help you sooner.
We usually provide a telephone appointment and then offer a face-to-face appointment if needed. However, if you prefer a face-to-face appointment, please tell us.
If you need help with your appointment
please tell us:
- If there’s a specific doctor, nurse or another health professional you would prefer to respond
- If you would prefer to consult with the doctor or nurse by phone, face-to-face, by video call or by text or email
- If you need an interpreter
- If you have any other access or communication needs.
We are committed to maintaining professional standards. For certain examinations during consultations an impartial observer, called a chaperone, will be required.
This impartial observer will be a practice Nurse, Health Care Assistant or chaperone trained receptionist who is familiar with the procedure and be available to reassure and raise any concerns on your behalf. If a chaperone is unavailable at the time of your consultation, then your examination may be re-scheduled for another time.
You are free to decline any examination or chose an alternative examiner or chaperone. You may also request a chaperone for any examination or consultation if one is not offered to you. The GP may not undertake an examination if a chaperone is declined.
The role of a chaperone:
- Maintains professional boundaries during intimate examinations.
- Acknowledges a patient’s vulnerability.
- Provides emotional comfort and reassurance.
- Assists in the examination.
- Assists with undressing patients, if required.
Cancelling or changing an appointment
If you are cancelling an appointment, please let us know as soon as possible.
Please cancel your appointment by:
- Phone 01379 676227
– Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.30pm - Visiting the surgery and speak with a receptionist
– We are open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.30pm
Home Visits
If possible please try to telephone reception before 11.00am if you require a home visit.
A doctor or nurse may phone you back as it may be that your problem can be dealt with by telephone advice, or that it would be more appropriate to send a nurse, or indeed arrange a hospital attendance.
House visits are only available for patients who are housebound because of illness or disability.
Please remember that several patients can be seen in the practice in the time that it takes to make one home visit. There are also better facilities for examining and treating patients at the Health Centre.
When we are closed
Our surgery is closed – Monday to Friday between the hours of 18:30 – 08:30; All weekends and Public/Bank Holidays.
At all other times 18:30-08:30, Weekends and Bank Holidays the quickest way to find urgent health care is:
Try your pharmacy
Talk in confidence, without appointments. They offer advice on minor illnesses like coughs, colds, earache, skin rashes and sore throats. They can provide services such as Chlamydia testing, emergency contraception and stop smoking services.
For further information on how your pharmacy can help you see NHS Choices – Livewell Page.
iCaSH – (Integrated Contraception & Sexual Health)
Providing all aspects of sexual health, including
- Free emergency contraception
- Free condoms
- Free contraception including all LARC (Long Acting Reversible Contraception)
- Free testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, including
Chlamydia screening. If you are 16 and over, and have no symptoms of an STI, order your FREE and confidential postal test kit online CLICK HERE.
Your kit is delivered discreetly wrapped in plain packaging and fits through a standard letterbox. - HIV testing and treatment
- Post Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV
- Smears
iCaSH, 1a Oak Street, Norwich, NR3 3AE
Tel: 0300 300 3030 or www.icash.nhs.uk
NHS 111 for phone or online advice
This is your free local NHS advice line with
trained staff to advise you by phone, or directions given online, of the best course of action and is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Please be prepared to give details of your problem and symptoms so that the advisers can direct your call
- to a doctor who may call you back with advice
- you may be asked to visit a doctor or nurse at a local Surgery, Health Centre or Community Hospital
- a doctor may arrange a home visit
- If the advisers think you need an ambulance, they will immediately arrange for one to be sent to you
See NHS 111 for more information. NHS 111 also offers a British Sign Language interpreter service every day from 8am till midnight. Find out more by
clicking HERE.
Walk-in Centre
No appointments needed. Our local NHS walk-in centre is Norwich Practices’ Walk-In & Health Centre for their leaflet click HERE or visit their WEBSITE.
Opening Hours: 07:00 – 21:00, 7 days a week including bank holidays
Rouen House, Rouen Road, Norwich, NR1 1RB
Tel: 01603 677500
Car Parks close to the Health Centre: Rouen Road, Castle Mall, John Lewis, Mountergate – off Rose Lane
Non-urgent advice: CALL 999 ONLY IN AN EMERGENCY.
Please help the NHS by using services wisely.