PPG Terms of Reference
Title of The Group
The group shall be called the Bridgewater Surgeries Patient Participation Group (PPG) and shall be affiliated to the National Association For Patient Participation (NAPP).
Aims of The Group
The prime aim of the group is to promote and sustain co-operation between the practice and patients to the benefit of both parties.
Membership of The Group
Membership of the group shall be open and free to all registered members (and designated staff as necessary) of the practice.
Objectives and Activities
- To support and build two-way relationship between patients and the practice
- To act as a ‘critical friend’ to the practice
- To contribute to and be kept informed of relevant practice decisions
- To encourage and support activities within the practice to promote preventative medicine and healthy lifestyle choices
- To seek to ensure that timely patient information and advice are readily available and clearly presented.
- To promote health educational activities (e.g. presentations) at the practices, open to registered patients and practice staff.
- To link up and liaise with other local PPG’s and health organisations to the benefit of this PPG.
Organisation of The Group
The group’s activities will be organised by a committee comprising six volunteer members of the PPG who will work closely with the practice manager and GP member of the PPG.
Administrative assistance and other support will be agreed by arrangement with the practice manager.
An annual general meeting of members will be held to elect/re-elect committee members.
These terms of reference will be reviewed and amended if necessary at each AGM of the PPG.
Getting Your View
The group would like to contact patients on occasion by email and/or text so that they can obtain the views of the widest group of patients possible. We would like to obtain your email address and mobile phone number to do this. Please complete the Patient Contact Form to provide your consent for this.