Please complete our new patient registration form. The two forms needs to be returned together. They can be returned in person, by post or via our website dashboard however all new patients will need to provide a form of ID prior to their first appointment at any of surgery premises.

Yes, if you reside within our boundary.

If you are not registered with a doctor but need to see one, you can receive emergency treatment from the local GP practice for 14 days. After 14 days you will need to register as a temporary or permanent patient.

To register as a temporary resident with a GP:

– you’ll need a surgery that covers the area where you’re staying

– contact the surgery and ask to register as a temporary resident

The surgery will ask you to complete the temporary resident registration form. You must provide details of your current surgery, your NHS number where known, the address where you are currently staying together with likely during of stay.

You can register as a temporary resident with a GP in England if you are in the area for longer than 24 hours but less than three months.

You have a choice:

– you can book one appointment online and then further appointments once you have been given your log-in details

– By calling into the Surgery to book in person

– By telephoning our receptionist on 01920 468777 Option 1

It is not currently possible to book nurse appointments on-line as our nurse appointments vary in length subject to the type of appointment needed.  We need to ensure you book the right appointment with a nurse qualified in the procedure you require.

Triage Appointments
If you are offered a Triage appointment please be aware that the doctors in our Practice have trained and instructed our receptionists to ask appropriate questions in order that you receive the right appointment with the right person.

We ask that you give brief details as to the nature of your enquiry so that we can direct you to the most appropriate service. Providing us with this information allows us to deal with your enquiry as effectively as we can.

Smear Appointments
Appointments need to be arranged mid-cycle.  First invitation for screening in the UK is at age 25. Routine recall (repeat screening test): UK: three-yearly tests from age 25 to age 49. Five-yearly tests from age 50 to 64. Screening stops at age 65.

Contraceptive Pill/Hormone Replacement Therapy Medication
Please be aware that you will need an appointment with one of our contraceptive nurses for a prescription however you may be offered an appointment with one of our GP’s when we are unable to offer you an appointment with one of our nurses.

Further details about our Appointment System
See our Appointments page

Internet and Extended Hours appointments are released 14 day and 7 days ahead.

Routine appointments are released 14 days, 7 days, 3 days, 2 days, 1 day and on the day.

If you have booked your appointment online, you have the option to cancel your appointment online

– If you have received a text message appointment reminder you will be given the option to text back to cancel this appointment, however you must type the word CANCEL exactly as it appears on the text you receive (in either upper or lower case).

– Cancel via our website dashboard but when using this service please allow 1 working days notice – silicon to confirm available

– Please ring 01920 468777 and speak to our receptionist

Please use our check-in screen adjacent to reception.  If you need assistance our receptionist will be happy to help you.

Please let them know and you will be directed to our privacy booth.

You have a choice but please note that we do not accept telephone requests:

You can order online

By post

By handing in your repeat request to either the pharmacy of your choice or to our receptionist.

On most occasions it does not take that long however we ask our patients to allow this time to ensure our GP’s can check the accuracy of the medication details.

If you collect your medication from the pharmacy of your choice please contact the pharmacy direct to check and they will assist you.  If you collect your medication from the Surgery, please allow the required 48 hours before calling into collect.

Yes providing they are 16 or over and they can verify your address details. We can arrange for your medication to be sent to the pharmacy of your choice.

You can liaise with a pharmacist or request a telephone call from the doctor by contacting our receptionist on 01920 468777

For advice on getting the most out of your appointment please visit the NHS Choices website: www.nhs.uk

Call East Herts Community Car Scheme & Information Line on 0330 123 1677 or contact them via email – communitycar@cvsbeh.org.uk

For further details please visit their website www.drivenbythecommunity.org.uk

Please complete the attached change of address form. Please note that for any name changes, an original marriage or deed poll certificate is required and for this reason, this type of change cannot be accepted on-line.

Yes, if you support someone who could not manage without you, you are a carer.  Please complete our register a Carer form so that we can put you in touch with Hertfordshire Carers who run a variety of coffee mornings, free courses, workshops and local trips to give carers a break.

The Surgery follows the NHS Accessible Information Standard. The Standard sets out a specific, consistent approach to identifying, recording, flagging, sharing and meeting the information and communication support needs of patients, service users, carers and parents with a disability, impairment or sensory loss. The Accessible Information Standard aims to make sure that people who have a disability, impairment or sensory loss get information that they can access and understand.

Please inform our receptionist if you require information in an alternative format so your medical record can be updated to support your needs.

Please inform our receptionist at the time of booking your appointment and this will be arranged for you.

When visiting the surgery, we have portable induction loop facilities and our receptionist will be happy to provide you with further details on its’ use.

– You have the option to use our online facilities

– You can nominate a person of your choice to talk to us on your behalf (providing written consent from you is received)

– You can contact us in writing

– Arrange with our receptionist at the time of booking your appointment for a sign language interpreter.

12 hours but you may drink water and take your medication unless your GP has advised otherwise.

For further details please see our X-ray Leaflet

On-line users are currently able to see current and repeat medications, immunisations and allergies.

Insert appropriate wording re plans to extend above … plus access to medical records/hyperlink form and fees etc.

If unexpected, contact 999 who will give you instructions on what to do.  If the death was expected please contact the Surgery and ask to speak with our Duty Doctor.

Providing the Practice is aware of the death of the deceased, a death certificate is completed by the doctor who last saw the deceased within the last 14 days.  The Practice will contact the next of kin to arrange collection of the death certificate.

Please be aware that if the deceased has not been seen by one of our doctors within the last 14 days, our duty doctor will liaise with the coroner to discuss the deceased. In these circumstances the Practice will keep the next of kin informed as it may be necessary to arrange for the coroner to complete the death certificate.

You may find this link useful in providing further guidance – www.gov.uk/after-a-death

If an emergency occurs on the day your appointment may be delayed. Our receptionist should keep you informed when delays occur.

On occasions a patient may present with a medical condition that may be more time consuming to manage than in a 10 minute appointment. We ask our patients to be respectful of this.

On occasions some patients may present with multiple problems which causes our clinicians to run over the allocated 10 minute appointment.

On rare occasions subject to traffic delays following home visits, or calls from emergency services including the coroner, our clinicians may be delayed, otherwise they should start their surgeries on time.

Please follow our online triage for sick/fit notes. Please note that you can provide your employer with a Self-Certification for your first week of absence.

Please make an appointment with one of our Health Care Assistants who provide smoking cessation advice.

All feedback is important to us as it helps us to improve and review our services. Please complete our feedback form.