Patient Access

Minor Illness Appointments
This service is for acute, minor illnesses and health issues that need to be dealt with on the same day that you feel cannot wait for a routine appointment. Examples include;
- Earache, sore throats and nasal problems
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Chest infections
- New eye problems
- New skin problems and rashes
- Abdominal pain, diarrhoea and vomiting
- New/acute back pain
- Fevers
- Insect bites
- Hayfever
The minor illness clinic will run from 8.30am – 11.30am for acute, minor illnesses that need to be dealt with on the day, that you feel cannot wait for a routine appointment.
Patients will need to register their name and a brief description with the surgery so that information can be added to the computer system for the clinical team to view.
Patients can register for the minor illness clinic everyday by calling the surgery appointments line 020 8370 6660
Patients needing to be seen will need to use the minor illness clinic at the surgery. For patients that would like to book appointments in advance this is still available and can be done via eConsult or by calling the appointment line 020 8370 6660
Making appointments
Appointments with the surgery can be booked a number of ways as listed below
By Phone
The Practice phone lines open at 08:00AM-18:30PM Monday to Friday during this time our appointments line (020 8370 6660) can be called to speak to one of our reception members to book an appointment. Please be aware that our receptionist will ask you for a brief summary of the problem to enables.
Our online eConsult service can be used to book appointments as well follow the link below to submit an eConsultation. Please fill the form out with as much detail as possible, a member of our team will then receive this eConsult and respond to you with a booked appointment within 48 hours.
How to Cancel an Appointment
GP appointment? Don’t need it? Cancel it!
We know people forget things, cancelling GP appointments being one of them. Remember to cancel your appointment if you don’t need it.
If you are not able to keep your appointment please call us on 020 8370 6660 and cancel as soon as possible: someone else may need to see the doctor urgently.
Alternatively you can cancel your appointment online using Patient Access or The NHS App if you are signed up to the service.
Please remember that there may be a shortage of appointments and when you fail to attend you have prevented someone else from being seen in your place.
Cancellations notified less than 30 minutes before the appointment time will be recorded as failure to attend (DNA).
Telephone Consultations
If you would like a telephone consultation with any of the doctors these can be booked in advance. These are to discuss results or any other queries you feel can be dealt with efficiently over the telephone. The Doctor will call you at a given time on a number that you are available on. Please note that the Doctors are unable to return calls on numbers which bar anonymous calls.
If medically you are in need of seeing a health care professional before our next available advanced appointment, we will endeavour to provide you access either in person or via the phone within 48hrs.
Social Prescribers
Many things in life can make us feel unwell or affect our overall health and wellbeing negatively, and a medical prescription is not always the answer. Social prescribing can help you to take control of your own health and wellbeing by providing you time to think about what matters most to you.
A social prescribing link worker will take time speaking with you about your health and wellbeing and sign post you to local services that can support your needs to improve your health and happiness.
What sort of services could the Social Prescribing service link me with?
- Housing information, homeless support, care, benefits and financial support and advice.
- Healthy lifestyle and physical activities.
- Befriending and support groups.
- Training, employment and volunteering.
- Social and creative activities
- Community mental health services and many more.
How to make a referral?
Currently, you can be referred into this service through your GP or a member of the GP surgery reception team. Your social prescribing link worker will then contact you via telephone or face to face to discuss what is important to you and your wellbeing.
From this initial consultation your social prescriber can help you develop a personalised plan to help you manage your health and wellbeing.
Using the Appointment System
- When you first phone in, your name and contact details will be taken by a receptionist. Also a brief outline of your problem to help prioritise patients.
- Please note that unless agreed by the clinical team, you will be allocated a 10 minute appointment which will be for one problem only.
- Emergencies take priority at all times.
- Surgeries sometimes run behind if doctors need to see patients requiring immediate attention.
- Please bear with us when surgeries are running late and accept our apologies for any delay.
- Chaperones are available if you would like one present when undergoing an examination.
Other Healthcare professional Appointments
We offer a wide range of services at the practice including:
- Asthma Reviews
- COPD Reviews
- Diabetic Reviews
- Family Planning
- Suture removal
- Smears
- NHS travel vaccines
- Baby immunisations
- Injections
How to Request a Home Visit
020 8370 6660
If you need to see a doctor but are too ill to get to the surgery you will usually be put through to speak to one of the doctors to discuss the problem and arrange a suitable time to visit. However, please remember that a doctor can see several patients in Surgery in the time taken to do one house call. Visits are intended for the housebound/bed-bound and terminally ill.
A child brought to the surgery by car can usually be fitted in promptly and their treatment started earlier.
In order to allow the doctors to plan the work for the day, please telephone for home visits before 10:00 if possible.
You can also be visited at home by a district nurse or the Rapid Response Team if you are referred by a GP. You should also be visited at home by a health visitor if you have recently had a baby or if you are newly registered with a GP and have a child under five years.
Self Check-in and Electronic Call System
The self check-in screen is on the wall to the right of the reception desk. Please follow the prompts to check in and this will automatically show on the clinician’s screen that you are waiting. It will then tell you to wait downstairs.
The call system is above the doorway leading to the clinical rooms. It will beep when a patient is to be called so please look out for your name when you hear the beep.
General Enquires – 020 8370 6660
You can call the surgery for general enquires. Please be aware this is not for booking appointment. Advice is also generally available from pharmacists, the health visitors and NHS 111.
Emergencies – 020 8370 6660
If you have a medical emergency please press one after you get through to the surgery and this will alert the receptionist.
However, general practice is not an emergency service, and in some situations it is safer for you to go to the hospital immediately, rather than wait to be seen by the GP first. In these circumstances the doctor will give you advice as to how to help yourself until an ambulance arrives. In an emergency situation you can also ring 999 for an ambulance or attend your nearest Accident and Emergency Department.
Should you wish to be chaperoned during your examination with either the doctors or nurses, we would be grateful if you could make this known to the receptionist when booking your appointment, or let the clinician know prior to the examination.
We are able to arrange a interpreter during your consultation if you need it, please let us know the language at the time of booking the appointment. If you require a BSL interpreter please let the receptionist know at the time of booking so we can arrange this