Brent Community Physiotherapy has introduced a self-referral pathway to improve access into the physiotherapy service.
Starting from 20th July 2020 patients can self-refer by phoning Connect on 0203 795 3429 without needing to see their GP first.
If a patient has barriers to telephone access including language or hearing difficulties, a patient advocate (such as a family member or friend) will be able to call on their behalf. The patient representative will be required to provide the patient’s name, date of birth and NHS number or first line of address plus postcode.
Patients who are unable to have their first appointment via telephone will be offered a face to face appointment subject to current Covid-19 guidelines.
Self-referral is only for the Tier 1 physiotherapy service and the following conditions are excluded: neuro-rehab, post-operative rehab, cardiac rehab, pulmonary rehab and fractures.
Self-referral cards will be sent to your GP practice. Patients will need to contact the service on 0203 795 3429 to self-refer.
For any queries please see the Connect Health website for FAQs or contact the service directly via