Urgent appointments
To request an urgent appointment for today or tomorrow (Monday to Friday):
- phone us on 020 8204 1363
- visit the surgery and speak with a receptionist
When you get in touch, we’ll ask what you need help with.
We will use the information you give us to choose the most suitable doctor, nurse or health professional to help you.
For real life-threatening medical emergencies such as those below – Ring 999
Routine appointments
To request a routine appointment in the next 7 days:
- use our appointment request form
- phone us on 020 8204 1363
- visit the surgery and speak with a receptionist
- use your NHS account (through the NHS website or NHS App) to book a screening test or vaccination
When you get in touch, we’ll ask what you need help with.
We will use the information you give us to choose the most suitable doctor, nurse or health professional to help you.
Evening & Saturday Appointments
Your appointment
However you choose to contact us, we may offer you a consultation:
- by phone
- face to face at the surgery
- on a video call
- by text or email
Appointments by phone, video call or by text or email can be more flexible and often means you get help sooner.
Cancelling or changing an appointment
If you can’t make your GP appointment, please cancel it by contacting the surgery as soon as possible, and at least 30 minutes before your appointment time. This helps us offer the slot to someone else.
Appointments cancelled less than 30 minutes before will be marked as missed (DNA on your record).
If you arrive late we do not guarantee that you will be seen.
Repeatedly missing appointments wastes NHS resources, so please cancel if you no longer need the appointment.
To cancel your appointment:
- use your NHS account NHS App
- using the GP online system – PATCHS
- phone us on 020 8204 1363, Monday to Friday from 8am to 6.30pm
- reply CANCEL to your appointment reminder text message
If you need help when we are closed
If you need medical help now, use NHS 111 online or call 111.
NHS 111 online is for people aged 5 and over. Call 111 if you need help for a child under 5.
Call 999 in a medical or mental health emergency. This is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.
If you need help with your appointment
Please tell us:
- if there’s a specific doctor, nurse or other health professional you would prefer to respond
- if you would prefer to consult with the doctor or nurse by phone, face-to-face, by video call or by text or email
- if you need an interpreter
- if you have any other access or communication needs
Home visits
Home visits are for patients who are housebound, bed-bound, terminally ill, or whose condition could worsen with travel.
The best care is usually provided at the surgery, but if you believe a home visit is necessary, call the surgery before 10:30 am.
Let the receptionist know your condition so we can get you booked in accordingly.
The surgery prides itself in maintaining professional standards. For certain examinations during consultations an impartial observer (a “Chaperone”) will be required.
This impartial observer will be a practice Nurse or Health Care Assistant who is familiar with the procedure and be available to reassure and raise any concerns on your behalf. If a nurse in unavailable at the time of your consultation then your examination may be re-scheduled for another time.
You are free to decline any examination or chose an alternative examiner or chaperone. You may also request a chaperone for any examination or consultation if one is not offered to you. The GP may not undertake an examination if a chaperone is declined.
The role of a Chaperone:
- Maintains professional boundaries during intimate examinations.
- Acknowledges a patient’s vulnerability.
- Provides emotional comfort and reassurance.
- Assists in the examination.
- Assists with undressing patients, if required.
If you require an interpreter to attend with you when you see your Doctor please notify the receptionist and they will arrange this for you.
GP Enhanced Access Service
The Enhanced Access Service has more appointments with GPs available, making it easier for you to get an appointment at a time that suits you, including evenings and weekends.
Appointments are available from 8am–8pm, 7 days a week, including bank holidays. Appointments must be booked in advance.
Book an appointment
Contact your GP practice in the usual way to request an appointment. If there is no appointment available at your practice, they may offer you an appointment with the GP Enhanced Access Service, if this is right for you.
If your practice is closed and you need a GP, please contact the out-of-hours service via NHS 111. They will also be able to book an appointment for you with the GP Enhanced Access Service. Please note that your consent will be required in order for an appointment to be booked for you.
For further information or how to book an appointment online please ask at your GP practice.