Health A-Z
Your complete guide to conditions, symptoms and treatments, including what to do and when to get help.
Get the latest NHS information and advice about coronavirus (COVID-19).
Mental health and wellbeing
If you’re feeling stressed, anxious or depressed, or just want to feel happier, we’re here to help.
Medicines A-Z
Find out how your medicine works, how and when to take it, possible side effects and answers to your common questions.
Pregnancy and Baby Guide
Whatever you want to know about getting pregnant, being pregnant or caring for your new baby, you should find it here.
More information about Cares
At Park Royal Medical Practice we recognise the crucial role that carers play in supporting their loved ones.
Information about pharmacy First
The Pharmacy First service builds on the NHS Community Pharmacist Consultation Service which has run since October 2019. The consultation service enables patients to be referred into community pharmacy for a minor illness or an urgent repeat medicine supply.
Relevant links for Brent Health Matters:
- Brent Health Matters Advice Line
- Cares Health and Wellbeing Day
- Harlesden Community Club for over 65s
- United-Drop-in-Centre
- Brent Health Matters Session at the Lounge Café
- Medication Review Clinic Second Wednesday of every Month 10 am – 2 pm.
- Emotional Wellbeing and Housing Support Third Wednesday of every Month 1 pm – 4 pm.