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New Patient Registration

The doctors welcome new patients who live within our practice area. As it often takes some time for records to be forwarded from your former practice all newly registered patients will be asked to complete a health questionnaire.

We are proud to be a safe surgery for everyone in our community, and pledge to ensure that everyone in our community receives the quality healthcare they are entitled to. In partnership with Doctors of the World UK, we will ensure that our practice offers a welcoming space for everyone who seeks to use our services. We will ensure that a lack of identification, proof of address, or immigration status do not prevent patient registration. Please click on the image above for further information.

Practice Area

If you would like to check whether you are resident within our Practice area and so eligible to register with us a Practice then please enter your postcode below.

Catchment Area

Overseas Visitors

Those who visit the UK from overseas must pay for their care when they are in England.

Changes were made to how the NHS charges overseas visitors for healthcare so the NHS does not lose out on income for the services these patients have received.

Further information for overseas visitors

Temporary Registration

If you’re currently staying within our GP surgery area for more than 24 hours but less than 3 months, you can ask to register as a temporary resident.  You can find more information on registering as a temporary resident on the NHS website.

Registering with a GP as a temporary resident – NHS – NHS (

If you want to register as a temporary resident at our GP surgery, please contact us and we will send you the relevant registration form.