Useful Telephone Numbers

Harefield Medical Practice

  • Harefield Medical Practice Appointments & Enquiries – 01895 822944
  • Emergencies – Out of Hours – 01895 822944
  • Health Visitors – 01895 823956
  • District Nurses – 01895 823956
  • NHS 111 Advice Line – Telephone 111


  • Hillingdon Hospital – 01895 238282
  • Mount Vernon Hospital – 01923 826111
  • Watford General Hospital – 01923 244366
  • Harefield Hospital – 01895 823737

General Help

  • AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) – 0845 7697555
  • AGAM alcohol & drug counselling service – 01895 207788
  • Age Concern – 01895 431 331
  • Bucks CCG – 01296 310000
  • British Diabetic Association – 0171 323 1531
  • Childline: 0800 1111: Free, confidential advice for under 18s
  • Cruse – 01895 811330
  • Hillingdon Carers – 01895 811206
  • Hillingdon Social Services – 01895 250111
  • Hillingdon CCG – 01895 452000
  • Hertfordshire CCG – 01707 390855
  • ICON: Babies cry – you can cope:
  • MIND: Mental Health Support:
  • National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247
  • NSPCC helpline: 0808 800 5000 for help or advice
  • Relate – Marriage Guidance – 020 8427 8694
  • SafeLives: Specific resources for domestic abuse & COVID:
  • Samaritans – 116 123
  • YoungMinds: Supporting children & young people & their parents/carers with their mental health & welbeing.