Lung Health Check

The targeted lung cancer screening programme is designed to catch cancer sometimes before symptoms.


If you are aged between 55 and 74 and have ever smoked, you may be offered an NHS lung health check.

If you are eligible, you’ll get a letter or phone call from your GP or a local NHS service inviting you to an appointment.

Why are lung health checks done?

Lung cancer causes more death any other type of cancer in the UK. There are often no signs or symptoms of lung cancer at an early stage.

Lung health checks look at how well your lungs are working and can help diagnose lung cancer as early as possible. Early diagnosis can make lung cancer more treatable and the treatment more successful. Lung health checks can also help diagnose other respiratory issues, which again helps treat these conditions more successfully as they have been identified early on.

What happens during a lung health check?

Your appointment may be in person, by phone, or online.

Please see the video below for more information:

Why haven’t I been invited yet?

If you are 55-74, live in Hillingdon, and have ever smoked, you should receive a letter from InHealth offering you a telephone assessment which will take around 15 minutes.

If you have any questions or need support for your telephone appointment, please let InHealth know. You can call the Booking Office on 020 3835 1600.

If you are eligible for a lung health check but have not received an invitation, please contact InHealth on 020 3835 1600.

Symptoms of Lung Cancer

If you are worried about lung cancer, and you have the symptoms below – do no wait for a lung health check:

  • a cough that does not go away after 3 weeks
  • an existing cough that changes or gets worse
  • chest infection that keep coming back
  • coughing up blood
  • being short of breath a lot
  • unexplained tiredness
  • an ache or pain when breathing or coughing
  • loss of appetite or unexplained weight loss

More information and advice

If you live in Hillingdon, and have any questions, would like general information or would like to opt-out of the lung health check programme, please email:

For further information relating to lung health check programme and lung cancer: