
Cancelled / Missed / Urgent Appointments

If you need to cancel your appointment it is important you let us know as early as possible to allow us to offer the appointment to another patient.

You should receive an SMS message prior to your appointment with a link to cancel.

If you cannot cancel in either of these ways please call us on 01895 632 677 and use the automated check and cancel option which will be offered to you upon calling. This service will ask you to enter your date of birth and as long as you are calling from the number we have on record for you, it will allow to check when your appointment is and cancel should you need to.

When a patient fails to turn up for a booked appointment and does not notify us this causes a number of appointments each year to be wasted – this adds up to more than 1.2 million GP hours wasted each year in General Practice.

Time is put into managing the appointment system to ensure appointments are utilised efficiently. Appointments classified as ‘Did Not Attend’ (DNA) i.e. the patient did not turn up for the appointment and did no contact the surgery to cancel/change appointment can cause a variety of issues such as a waste of resources, an increase in waiting time for appointments, a potential risk to the health of the patient.

Staff will follow what is outlined in our DNA policy.

We offer urgent on the day appointments each day. You will first have to complete a Blinx Consultation Form – a GP will review this consultation form, and they will review appropriately. If you need to come into the surgery on the day, a member of reception will contact you to arrange an appointment.

Routine Appointments

Pharmacy First

Need healthcare advice and treatment without an appointment? Go to your Pharmacy First

Pharmacy First allows patients to access FREE confidential advice and treatment for a number of conditions:

– Sinusitis
– Sore throat
– Earache (1 – 17 years)
– Infected insect bites (1 year and over)
– Impetigo (1 year and over)
– Uncomplicated UTI’s in women
– Shingles (18 years and over)

Routine Face to Face & Telephone

Routine Face to Face & Telephone Appointments

  • We have now moved to Total Triage!
  • All GP appointments, and admin requests including prescription queries are now booked via the Blinx online platform, to submit a Blinx Online Consultation click the button below.
  • Alternatively, if you need support to fill in the online form or need to book an appointment with a nurse please contact us via telephone on 01895 632 677

Warning advice: Reminder

Due to time limitations our GPs may only be able to deal with one issue per appointment.

Hearing Difficulties | Chaperoning

Hearing Difficulties

For patients with hearing difficulties, you can contact the surgery using Relay UK, a free online App – please click the following link for more information:


A chaperone is an impartial observer during a consultation with a patient. All patients are entitled to have a chaperone present for any consultation, examination or procedure where they feel one is required. This chaperone may be a family member or friend. On occasions you may prefer a formal chaperone to be present, i.e. a trained member of staff.

If you would like to view our policy, please click the following link: Wood Lane Medical Centre | Our Documents

Home Visit / Out of of Hours / Extended Hours

Patients are requested, where possible, to telephone before 10am if a home visit is required that day.

The duty doctor will then call you to obtain more details and will decide:

  • if the home visit is necessary
  • or if a telephone consultation is medically appropriate

We would request that, apart from the genuinely housebound, all other patients attend the surgery rather than request a home visit because of the extra time home visiting takes. On average four to five patients can be seen in surgery in the time it takes to do a single home visit.

In addition, we feel that in many situations you are best seen in the surgery as the doctor has better facilities for examinations and access to all medical records.

Please note: ultimately it is the doctors decision whether or not a visit is appropriate.

If you require urgent medical advice outside of surgery opening hours, please follow the guidance below:

  • If you think that your problem is a medical emergency, please phone 999
  • If you think that your medical problem is urgent but not an emergency but you cannot wait until the surgery re-opens, please phone 111. NHS 111 can help you if you have an urgent medical problem and you’re not sure what to do. As well as calling you, can also get help by visiting (for people ages 5 and over).
  • If you are Deaf/Hearing Difficulties and would like to use the NHS 111 phone service, please visit Other ways to contact 111 – NHS 111 to find out more information.

The Extended Hours Hub (EHH Service) is a service where we can provide you with an even wider range of extended hour appointments than before (evening and weekends). You can see a Doctor or Nurse by appointment similar to that at the surgery and will be able to see you with your full computer records.

Eastcote Health Centre
Abbotsbury Gardens, Eastcote, HA5 1TG
Weekdays: 6.30pm-8.30pm
Saturday: 9am-5pm

Uxbridge Health Centre
George Street, Uxbridge, UB8 1UB
Weekdays: 6.30pm-8.30pm
Saturday: 9am-5pm
Sunday: 9am-1pm

Mead House
Mead House Lane, Hayes, UB4 8EW
Weekdays: 6.30pm-8.30pm
Saturday: 9am-5pm

Pembroke House
90 Pembroke Road, Ruislip, Middlesex, HA4 8NX

Referral Information


When you have been referred to a department via the GP, you may receive a referral letter containing details e.g. hospital and department you have been referred to. You can view information regarding to current referrals and/or hospital appointments via the NHS app:

You can also use the details provided on your referral letter to contact the booking office directly.

If you have not received a referral letter, you may have been referred to community and therefore you can contact us for an update via an admin Blinx Form or email.

Hillingdon Hospital Booking office: 01895 279 200