Our first Flu clinics will start from Saturday 12th October 2024, with 2 clinics running from 09:15 – 12:15 and 13:00 – 15:00. Thereafter, there will be catch up clinics during the weekdays (on Tuesdays and Thursdays – but if you really cannot make these days or times then do call the week you are available and we can see if we can fit you in).
What are the latest developments this year?
Previously, we have been providing the flu vaccine in September. However, all NHS organisations have been instructed not to give the Flu vaccine until October. The reasoning behind this is that it is preferable to vaccinate individuals closer to the time when the flu virus is likely to circulate (which typically peaks in December or January), as this will provide optimal protection during the highest risk period.
What is Seasonal Flu?
Seasonal flu occurs every year, usually in the winter. It’s a highly infectious disease caused by a virus. The most likely viruses that will cause flu each year are identified in advance and vaccines are then produced that closely match them. Colds are much less serious and usually start gradually with a stuffy or runny nose and a sore throat. Flu symptoms hit you suddenly and severely. They usually include fever, chills, headaches and aching muscles, and you can often get a cough and sore throat at the same time. Because flu is caused by viruses and not bacteria, antibiotics won’t treat it.
Vaccines work. Here are the facts – Article to explain the Flu Vaccination
Don’t wait until there is a flu outbreak this winter: contact your GP or practice nurse now to get your seasonal flu jab.
Vaccine Information
This year there are two different vaccinations depending on your age as of 31st March. For those aged 65 and over the recommended vaccine is Fluad. We have ensured that we have sufficient stocks of the immunisations for our patient population therefore there is no need to panic or for you to seek to get your immunisation elsewhere. For patients aged 2 to <65 we have stock of the recommended vaccine, Flucelvax.
Nasal flu vaccinations for children (those aged 2 to 9) will not be released by NHS England until the beginning of September, however, the Flucelvax injection is licensed from the age of 2 years old and can be used instead of the nasal flu vaccination.
Who is Entitled to a Free Vaccination?
Eligibility for the Main Cohort:
o Over 65s
o Pregnant ladies (any time)
o Carers (providing they are coded as a carer)
o Patients with chronic diseases:
o Heart, lung, liver, spleen or kidney problems
o Diabetes
o Stroke
o Neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis (MS) or cerebral palsy
o Lowered immunity due to disease or treatment (such as cancer treatment or steroid treatment) (Flu is inactivated)
o Dialysis
o Asthma (taking regular inhaled or systemic steroids or with previous exacerbations requiring hospital admissions), COPD, Bronchitis
o Those living in long-stay residential care homes
We will be inviting all at risk patients and all patients aged over 65. If you are not eligible on this list, unfortunately we are unable at this point to provide you with a vaccination at the surgery at this point. If you have not received a direct invitation but believe you should be included, then please contact reception. We will inform you of any changes to the guidance.
House Bound patients/Nursing Homes:
The borough Home Visiting Team will be arranging for housebound patients to be vaccinated via a home visit with both COVID Booster and Flu. However, this will not take place until after 1st October. All patients will be contacted directly for this to be arranged.
Nasal Flu Vaccinations
We are hoping to be able to vaccinate children during our flu clinic however we are unable to order stock at this point. We are happy for you to book in now, however, if we are unable to get stock in by this date, we will have to rebook. Therefore, it is best you contact us on the second week of September if you have not received communication from us by then.
Children that are eligible to receive the flu vaccine at the GP practice are:
- At risk aged 6 months – 2 years
- 2-4 years – All children
- At risk aged 5 -17 years
Children not at risk and in primary school (Aged 5-12 all children in year 7 will receive the vaccine in school. If you miss this vaccination in school, please contact them directly as we are unable to provide this vaccination)
Secondary school children in years 7, 8 and 9 who will be offered the vaccine in order of school year (starting with the youngest first). This group are likely to be offered vaccination later in the year once children age 2 and 3 and primary school age children have been vaccinated.
Flu Clinic – On the Day
Please read posters and advise us of any problems with you being able to have the vaccine. For more information about the flu season please visit NHSchoices or Stay Well This Winter website.
You will be given a specific time for your appointment. It’s important you adhere to the timings within a 5-minute window to ensure we respect the safety of other patients and staff. If for any reason you are running late, please be warned that we will do our best to accommodate you, however, there may be a waiting period. We would encourage those that wish to wear face masks for your own safety and the safety of other patients to do so.
If you are attending with a member of family and there is a time difference, we are happy for you to come together as a family unit and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Due to the increased safety requirements, we will not be able to answer any questions other than those related to your vaccine. The reception desk will be closed and you will not be able to collect any forms or ask any routine queries about your health.
Please note:
Due to the large numbers of patients, the reception desk will be closed for general queries and you will not be able to collect any forms or ask any routine queries about your health.