Changes to how we work
The COVID-19 pandemic has meant that GP practices have had to adapt the way they work and how services are provided. The pandemic is yet not over, and so some of these changes are still in place. This has been done to keep you and everyone else safe.
GP services remain very busy, delivering more appointments than ever before.
We are sorry to hear experiences of people struggling to get through on the telephone to speak with us. We appreciate your patience during this difficult period.
If you need to see someone in person, you still can.
Our teams in GP practices may need to do an initial assessment over the phone first to keep you and everyone else safe. This helps give you the type of appointment you need:
- to be seen in person
- a phone consultation
- a video consultation
- help from your local pharmacy
As part of this assessment, our receptionists might need to ask you some additional questions. This is to help ensure you get the right care, in the right way, by the right professional. All staff operate according to strict guidelines and work under clinical supervision.
You can trust them to treat all information confidentially.
Have you been in hospital with COVID-19?
The REGAIN study aims to find out which of two treatments is better for helping people recover after being in hospital with COVID-19.
At the weekend
If you have COVID symptoms please call 111 or visit for advice.
Medical Certificates for Self-Isolation
Medical Certificates for first 7 days are not required. No Medical certificates will be provided by the practice for self-isolation past 7 days. COVID-19 related sick notes are available here: Get an isolation note – NHS (